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Delicious fun

Cooking together is great fun for the whole family. Discover flavors and new recipes together!

Instead of banishing children from the kitchen, invite them to cook together. Family cooking is not only great fun, but is also a great opportunity to pleasant learning. Use all the possibilities of the well-equipped kitchenette in your VacationClub's holiday apartment.

Do you have doubts? Don't! Here are just a few benefits of playing with flavours together:

1. Children love to play in imitating the behavior of adults. And us adults – we want to be a good example. It is then worth for mom or dad to show how to safely use knives, graters, blender and kettle. Not only do we teach children self-reliance and basic skills, but also save our kids from dangers resulting from ignorance.

2. It is also a great lesson of cooperation and responsibility. One from which comes the knowledge that something made and eaten together tastes better. Sharing responsibilities and pleasures is an important skill.

3. Your child refuses to eat anything other than crisps, sandwiches with cheese and sweets? So you have a great opportunity to show them into the secrets of new flavors! Talk about vegetables, fruit, nutrients and vitamins. You can arrange food on a plate in a funny way or have fun in trying different products. Perhaps you too can taste and come to like something new?

4. After all it's great fun and something to do in case of boredom or a rainy afternoon!

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