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Vacation Club puzzles

Are there any better way to spend free time at the sea than solving puzzles besides water games and building sand castles? The youngest know that we do not know it too! That's why the original VacationClub ™ books were created.

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“How about the seaside?” are colorful, diverse guessing game that entertain and teach. Of course they keep up a holiday, marine atmosphere, and their main hero is our company celebrity, Zdzisław. Zdzisław the Flamingo.


Completing Zdzisław’s swimming accessories and packing his vacation baggage, counting flamingos on the beach, solving crosswords and looking for differences between photos from holidays - these are the entertainment that little Sherlock Holmes will not get bored with. Coloring pages could not be missing - you are coloring a monstera – a giant tropical plant. Cutouts fans will also find something to do. It's origami a foldable pocket flamingo. In addition, you can cut out a holiday postcard, which will rejoice your friends.


Where to get them?

You will get the free guessbooks at the VacationClub™ receptions in Kolobrzeg, Świnoujście and Mielno. Have fun!


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